Reliable Insurance Agency Transactional Services
C.P. Randall Insurance Services offers transactional services for our clients within the insurance industry. With nearly 50 years of experience in the field, we are more than capable of providing legal advice.
Agency Buy-and-Sell Agreements
This legally binding contract stipulates how the assets of an agency may be bought, sold or merged.
Agent Non-Compete and Succession Planning
It is vital to ensure proper consideration for your business in your succession plan. If your chosen successor is potentially jeopardizing the integrity of your business, a properly signed non-compete agreement can keep you safe. Such a document imposes a legal obligation preventing your employees from engaging in or assisting other agencies that compete with yours.
Insurance Agent Administrative Law
Generally, administrative laws take the form of state rules and regulations that govern the actions of a professional insurance agent. In the event you are under an administrative investigations, seek legal advice at the earliest possible time.